
Outlast trials ps5 release date
Outlast trials ps5 release date

I get that shock and gratuitous violence is sorta the whole point, but it often feels like they’re trying so hard to be gross and extreme or make some kind of unsubtle statement that I just shook my head at the tactless, edgelordian overkill. One level features a maniacal police officer who enjoys tasering his own genitals and rattles off nonsense like “I don’t recognize this country anymore,” while in another you’re repeatedly shown a bunch of penises for seemingly no reason at all, and then forced to recreate a crucifixion for an audience of school children.

outlast trials ps5 release date

That said, even when treated with the unseriousness and gore-filled levity that I think The Outlast Trials is going for, the over-the-top violence, deeply unsexy lechery, and extremely on-the-nose subject matter can be a bit much sometimes.

Outlast trials ps5 release date